Not all dogs, cats July 4th fans
so keep them happy, safe and home

July 01, 2015
Santa Paula News

The 4th of July is a favorite holiday celebration with ear-splitting explosions and bright lights of fireworks that thrill humans, but terrify dogs and cats.

Every year on the days following Independence Day shelters throughout the nation are filled with pets that panicked at the patriotic commotion and ran away in blind terror… and found themselves so far from home they couldn’t find their way back.

Prolonged professional displays such as Saturday’s July 4th Fireworks Spectacular at Harding Park, which lasts about 30 minutes, has the most impact on pets.

And dogs — with their keen sense of hearing — are the most susceptible to panic that can include injuring themselves or damaging property during the frenzy to get away from the sounds caused by fireworks. 

A good rule of thumb to gauge your pet’s reaction to fireworks is how the animal handles thunder — if the dog is afraid of thunder they are likely to also have a bad reaction to fireworks.

Some dog owners use mild tranquilizers for their pets in order to dull their reactions to fireworks, but others’ report that playing loud music or turning up the television to mask the explosive noises helps.

All pets should be put indoors in a secure room well before dark on the day of the festivities and reassured they are safe well before fireworks begin.

Try to muffle the sound by making sure all windows are closed and take steps to ensure there is an alternate noise source — TV or radio — that can distract the animal.

And don’t forget that when the fireworks end the dog’s anxiety might still be high: don’t let your animal outside with a leash as some dogs have been known to bolt and run even the day following a fireworks display.

If your animal does go missing check in with the Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center located at the corner of 7th and East Santa Barbara streets.  You can also contact SPARC — which is prompt about displaying photos of animals that come in — about posting a picture of your lost pet on their Facebook page —

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