Santa Paula Police Chief Bob Gonzales has also endorsed Gorell’s campaign, as has Ventura County Fire Chief Bob Roper, retired Ventura County Sheriff Larry Carpenter, former Simi Valley Chief of Police Paul Miller and Gorell’s former boss, retired District Attorney Mike Bradbury. The Ventura County Deputy Sheriffs Association, Ventura County Prosecutors Association and the Police Officers Research Association of California have also announced that they are backing Gorell for the Assembly seat.In addition to being a prosecutor, Gorell is also a Lieutenant in theU.S. Navy Reserve.Shortly after September 11, 2001, Lt. Gorell was recalled for one-year to active duty, detaining his initial campaign for the Assembly. Gorell returned from his tour of duty decorated for his leadership in the War in Afghanistan.Gorell also serves on the Board of Directors of the American Red Cross of Ventura County.
SPPOA endorses Ventura County Dep. DA Jeff Gorell for Assembly
December 26, 2003
Santa Paula News
The Santa Paula Police Officers Association has endorsed Deputy District Attorney Jeff Gorell in his bid for the Assembly.
By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesThe Santa Paula Police Officers Association has endorsed Deputy District Attorney Jeff Gorell in his bid for the Assembly.Gorell is running for the seat representing the wide-ranging 37th Assembly District. Present Assemblyman Tony Strickland will not be able to run again due to term limits.“Jeff Gorell is our partner in law enforcement,” said SPPOA President Sgt. Ish Cordero. “Officers from our city have worked with Deputy DA Gorell on numerous cases and we strongly believe in his tested leadership abilities and professional dedication to making our community a safer place.”Deputy District Attorney Gorell works for the Ventura County DA’s office and has worked closely with the SPPD on prosecutions, including those involving juveniles, Gorell’s particular interest.“The SPPOA would like to see Jeff represent our community in Sacramento as our next Assemblyman,” noted Sgt. Cordero. “I am honored to have the endorsement and support of the Santa Paula Police Officers,” said Gorell. “We fight the daily fight to keep the streets and schools safe. As a legislator, I look forward to serving these uniformed men and women and bring back to the local level the resources they need to combat crime more effectively while possessing the equipment and training necessary to do so more safely.”Gorell, a self-described moderate Republican, can add the SPPOA endorsement to the long list of public safety officials and organizations that are supporting his campaign.