Santa Paula High School Campus Briefs

September 13, 2006
Santa Paula High School

BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT is scheduled for September 14, 2006, starting at 6:30 p.m.

BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT is scheduled for September 14, 2006, starting at 6:30 p.m.All parents will receive a letter in the mail inviting them to BACK-TO School Night at Santa Paula High School. There will be an opening meeting in the auditorium; the Santa Paula High School Band will be performing starting at 6:30 p.m.SPHS GATE Program is looking for interested parents and students to join their GATE Committee, if you are interested please contact Ed Arguelles, GATE Coordinator at Santa Paula High School. The first meeting will toke place in September.SPHS Ballet Folklorico/Mexican Folk Dance will be starting to practice soon. Clara Ortiz is the person to contact if you are interested or need information.
SPHS will be holding SAT Workshops on campus. If students plan to apply at a four year university and need to register for the SAT or ACT exam contact the counseling office as soon as possible. Fee waivers are available to students that qualify.SPHS will be participating in a Citywide Disaster Drill scheduled for Thursday, September 14, 2006. The drill will take place at 9:00 a.m. and end by 11:00 p.m. For more information you can contact SPHS Administration at 525-4406 ext:220.Submitted by: J. Antonio Gaitan, Principal

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