SPUHS Alumni Calendar

April 30, 2004
Santa Paula High School

The annual Alumni Dinner for Santa Paula Union High School Alumni Association will be held Saturday, September 25 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 1050 Schooner Dr., Ventura.

The annual Alumni Dinner for Santa Paula Union High School Alumni Association will be held Saturday, September 25 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel, 1050 Schooner Dr., Ventura. Members of the Association and classmates of the classes ending in the years “4” and “9” will be invited. Invitations will be mailed in July. All interested alumni should send their current mailing address to SPUHS AA, P.O. Box 6, Santa Paula, CA 93061 to be put on the database for all class reunions.CLASS REUNIONSClass of 1934 – 70th Reunion - To be held in conjunction with the annual dinner September 25 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Ventura.Class of 1939 - 65th Reunion - To be held in conjunction with the annual dinner September 25 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Ventura.Class of 1944 – 60th Reunion - To be held in conjunction with the annual dinner September 25 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Ventura.Class of 1949, 55th Reunion – To be held in conjunction with the annual dinner September 25 at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Ventura. September 26, Sunday Brunch at Logsdon’s at the Santa Paula Airport, 10:30 a.m.; contact Dorothy Condren Allee, 525-8400 or 975 W. Telegraph Rd., #26G, Santa Paula, CA 93060.
Class of 1954 - 50th Anniversary –August 21, Marriott at River Ridge, Oxnard. Contact Gretchen Olmstead Thorpe, 590 W. Main St., #170, Santa Paula, CA 93060. All classmates also invited to the Alumni Dinner September 25.Class of 1964 - 40th Reunion - August 21, Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Ventura; cost $55 singles, $100 couples; classes of ‘60s also invited. Contact Kay Davison Culpepper, P.O. Box 842, Fillmore, CA 93016 or e-mail DKCulpe@bigplanet.com. All classmates also invited to the Alumni Dinner September 25.Class of 1969 – 35th Reunion – August 7, McCoy’s Hangar, Santa Paula Airport; cocktails 5 to 6 p.m., barbecue 6 p.m. Contact Sue Poynter McCalister, 1465 Ojai Rd., Santa Paula, CA 93060 or 525-1127. All classmates also invited to the Alumni Dinner September 25.Class of 1974 – 30th Reunion – August 6, 7 and 8: August 6, golf; August 7, 10 a.m. tour of school campus, 6 p.m. cocktails and dancing at Logsdon’s, $35 per person; August 8, picnic at Louie Hengehold’s in Wheeler Canyon – contact Laura Knight Wilson, 3375 Baltimore St., San Diego, CA 92117 or e-mail lwilson@Mcmillin.com. All classmates also invited to the Alumni Dinner September 25.Class of 1989 – 15th Reunion – All classmates are invited to the Alumni Dinner September 25.

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