Santa Paula High School STAR Testing next week

April 23, 2008
Santa Paula High School

Parents and guardians please mark your calendar Santa Paula High School will be administering the STAR Test beginning Tuesday, April 28th through Friday, May 2nd.

Parents and guardians please mark your calendar Santa Paula High School will be administering the STAR Test beginning Tuesday, April 28th through Friday, May 2nd.All seniors are required to report to the McMahan Gym Tuesday through Friday for Mandatory Meetings. Start time for seniors (only) is 8:15 a.m. Some of the events include Mandatory Senior meeting, information on graduation, cap and gowns, college information, scholarship information, class competitions, and other activities.Santa Paula High would like to share with you some helpful strategies that will assist your student in being successful on the STAR Test.Parent Strategies to help students with Successful Test Taking:* Note the test dates on your calendar* See that your student is well rested the night before testing* Make sure your student eats breakfast.* See that your student arrives to school on time so as not to feel rushed prior to testing. Remember, first bell rings at 7:49 a.m.* Encourage your child to do the best work possible.Some students may experience test anxiety about tests and may experience heightened anxiety before a testing situation. A certain degree of test anxiety is normal and may help students prepare more effectively, work more efficiently, and remain focused during testing. Too much anxiety, however, can negatively affect performance.The following strategies may assist students in reducing anxiety.* Relax, breath deeply and stay focused on the test.* Explain to student to think of the test as an opportunity to show what you know.
Student Strategies for Successful Test Taking:* Prior to the test take a few deep breaths and relax tense muscles, repeat throughout test.* Read and pay attention to all directions* Read each passage and accompanying* Read every possible answer-the best one could be last* Answer the easiest questions first, to help yourself calm down.* Read and respond to items one at a time rather than thinking about the whole test* Don’t expect to find a pattern in the positions of the correct answers on the answer document.* Make sure to record your answer in the correct place on the answer sheet.* Only change an answer if you are sure the first one you picked was wrong. Be sure to completely erase changed answers.* After completion of the test, use any remaining time to check your answers.* Keep a good attitude. Think positively!If you have any questions regarding STAR Testing please contact Assistant Principal, Robin Gillette STAR Test Coordinator at 525-4406 ext. 220 or 212.

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