SPUSD adopts resolution restating student immigrant protections

January 27, 2017
Santa Paula News

The Santa Paula Unified School District Board adopted a formal resolution restating tough immigration protection status for all students.

The board took the action at the January 18 meeting, a move following discussion of the resolution at a special workshop held January 14.

At that workshop a consultant working with the district on school issues, noted “I’m applauding you on your resolution,” similar to those in other districts where there is a large immigrant population. 

The resolution adopted by the board notes the anticipated tougher policy shift, expected in the wake of the inauguration of Donald Trump as president January 20, “has created a climate of heightened concern and anxiety for many district students and their families.”

The 2011 Department of Homeland Security regulations, which govern federal and state enforcement regulations, notes that enforcement activities will not be conducted at any “sensitive locations such as school (14th Amendment), which includes education-related activities or events when children are present, and may only take place at a school where prior approval is obtained from the Superintendent or designee, unless there are exigent circumstances.”

The resolution notes there is not written state or federal law that mandates that local school districts assist ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) that can lead to deportation.

The board formally resolved to “provide schools which are safe places for its students, ensuring healthy learning environments where students may learn without fear or disruption.”

The resolution also notes that all SPUSD personnel “shall treat all students with dignity and respect, including the equitable provision of services.”

“The Governing Board voted to pass this Resolution to continue our policy of welcoming and supporting children from all backgrounds to our district,” said Alfonso Gamino, Superintendent of the Santa Paula Unified School District.

Framed copies of the Resolution in both English and Spanish are posted for public display at each of the district’s nine school sites. To view the Resolution in its entirety, please visit www.SantaPaulaUnified.org

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