Left: Caitlin Workman of Ventura and her grandmother Cathy Barringer enjoyed the ambiance of the May 2 St. Paul’s/Emmanuel Church Women’s Spring Tea. Barringer’s table was admired for its floral display as well as decorative cocktail napkins she tucked beneath the transparent plates. Right: Tea sets under the chapeaus traditionally worn at “High Tea” helped to decorate Parish Hall for the event, coordinated by Marilyn Harvey of Ventura.

Hats, gloves, prizes and ‘High Tea’ at St. Paul’s/Emmanuel Church

May 13, 2015
Santa Paula News

It was hats, gloves, prizes, delicate sandwiches and sweets at the 14th Annual St. Paul’s/Emmanuel Church Women’s Spring Tea held May 2 at Parish Hall.

Although not mandatory, many guests at the High Tea wore hats and gloves; each table was decorated with the hostess’ best tea service and decorations that were enjoyed by family and friends. 

“We have so many prizes!” said Jane Marcus, who was selling tickets for an abundant raffle that ensured everyone would go home with a prize—even several prizes.

A Silent Auction added a bit of fun competition to the gathering that benefited causes supported by the women’s group.

The traditional gathering featured a large table laden with homemade goodies, ranging from delicate sandwiches—including pimento and cheddar, walnut and cream cheese, tuna and chicken salad—to robust sweets such as miniature pecan pie, lemon bars and slivers of rich fudge.

A special table held a variety of china tea services, from the elegant to those more on the whimsical side featuring that symbol of Spring, bunny rabbits, all displayed under an assortment of hats and silhouettes of ladies wearing chapeaus dotting the wall above it.

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