Santa Paula Unified School District Board (left to right) Kelsey Stewart, Diana Ponce-Gomez, Michelle Kolbeck, Chris Wilson, Tina Urias and Superintendent Alfonso Gamino

SPUSD Board chooses new officers
for the new year

December 17, 2015
Santa Paula News

The Board of the Santa Paula Unified School District has elected new leaders for the board for 2015.

On unanimous votes, Michelle Kolbeck was named Board President, Chris Wilson was voted in as Vice President and Kelsey Stewart was selected as Clerk of the Board.

Superintendent Alfonso Gamino had high praise for outgoing Board President Diana Ponce-Gomez. “I want to thank Mrs. Diana Ponce-Gomez for her leadership as Board President of the Santa Paula Unified School District this past year,” he said. “You have led and you have gained the trust of your fellow board members, administration, the community and staff. You have made a positive difference in the education of our students.” 

Gamino said that many things were accomplished under her leadership, including expanded library hours for homework, reading intervention specialists at the elementary schools, added instructional assistance at the pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classrooms, increased funding for transportation for athletics and music, increased support at the schools by adding more counseling services and clerical support and resource officers at the high school and middle school as well as the new Science and Technology buildings at the Santa Paula High School.

Gamino added, “Your leadership and dedication for this district and the community is to be commended. The community values and respects you for all you have accomplished.” He then presented Ponce-Gomez with a plaque on behalf of the district and the board.

Ponce-Gomez thanked the board and superintendent for the confidence and trust they placed in her this past year. “It has been a true privilege and honor to work with this group,” she said. “I appreciate all of their commitment, their devotion and their sacrifice.” She also added, “We each have our own personalities and we bring our own perspective, but I think that’s great. We want what is best for our kids, for our schools and for our community. I’m very proud of what we have accomplished this past year.” She also thanked the staff for all their hard work.

The board also acted to change the meeting location, starting January 21st. They will continue to meet the first and third Wednesday of the month, but at the District Board Room at 201 S. Steckel Drive at 7:00 pm.

Diana Ponce-Gomez is thanked by Superintendent Alfonso Gamino for her year of service as Board President.

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