Labor Day holiday delays City Council meeting to Tuesday

September 02, 2011
Santa Paula City Council

The Santa Paula City Council will meet Tuesday, September 6, a day late due to the Labor Day holiday weekend and an agenda item that deals with the state potentially severely limiting redevelopment.

The council will meet first for a 6 p.m. closed session before moving into the open business meeting in City Hall Council Chambers at 6:30 p.m. Time Warner Cable Channel 10 will broadcast the meeting live and replay it according to schedule; the meeting will also be streamed live online on the city’s website and be archived for later viewing. 

There will be two presentations. One will center on the epicenter that is of great concern statewide, and Fire Chief Rick Araiza will tell the council of the 2011 Great California Shakeout earthquake emergency preparedness event. 

Araiza and Firefighter Andy Van Sciver will also address the upcoming recognition of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks; Santa Paula recently received a rare portion of World Trade Center steel which will be the focus of a permanent monument noting the terrorist attacks and loss of life, including hundreds of public safety responders. A service is planned for 9/11 at the Ventura County Firefighters Memorial at the county government center where Santa Paula’s poignant artifact - the only in the county - will be displayed.

Business wise the council will discuss legislation that could impact the city’s Redevelopment Agency, following up with a special meeting held in recent weeks in reaction to the state’s grab of assets and payments. The legislation, which would allow state grabs of assets and cash, is now the focus of a court challenge. 

The council will also discuss guidelines to accepting the approximately $600,000 grant to improve the 10th Street/Highway 150 corridor, and in a separate action are expected to make appointments to a variety of commissions. There are various items on the consent calendar that seem ripe to be pulled for discussion, including a repot on code enforcement and the city’s response to the Grand Jury report on council practices, among other items listed on the agenda.

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