SPPD motorcycle officer, Bedell teacher honored by Chamber

February 20, 2009
Santa Paula News

Santa Paula’s only motorcycle officer and a longtime Thelma Bedell Elementary School teacher were honored at February’s Good Morning Santa Paula.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesSanta Paula’s only motorcycle officer and a longtime Thelma Bedell Elementary School teacher were honored at February’s Good Morning Santa Paula. URS Corporation/Bob Orlando hosted the Chamber-sponsored event held at Logsdon’s at the Santa Paula Airport.Police Chief Steve MacKinnon said Motorcycle Officer Dan Potter - the Public Safety Officer of the Month - has been with the Santa Paula Police Department four years as a full-time officer, and previously served as a SPPD reserve officer for about two years. “Officer Potter was brought up through the ranks, and now has been on the bike about two and a half years,” duty that MacKinnon, also a motorcyclist, said he is “envious” of.“It is a critical function of the police department to keep the roads safe,” and Potter not only offers day-to-day traffic enforcement, but is also assigned to specific areas where complaints are centered. “You see Officer Potter at the schools dealing with the problems of the kids being unsafe” due to traffic congestion and parent inattention to traffic safety.MacKinnon said Potter also takes part in “some stings... about six to eight months ago” a special assignment targeted city crosswalks that focused on raising the safety awareness of pedestrians as well as drivers. “It’s been a good asset for the department,” and Potter also helps train new officers “who come on board. I don’t think we could function,” noted MacKinnon, without a steady focus on traffic issues.Potter thanked the Chamber and noted their support for the police department. “We’re always trying our best,” said Potter, “to make Santa Paula a safe city.”
“I want to thank you for not only making sure we drive correctly,” but also “for just being there,” said GMSP Moderator Ben Schuck. “It makes people think, ‘Oh yeah, we have to be more careful’” when they see the motorcycle officer.Thelma Bedell Principal Lori Sanchez said Teacher of the Month Mia Emhardt, who “has been at our site for eight years, has been with the district for 18 years,” received her degree and teaching credential at California Lutheran University. “It’s always a pleasure to walk into her classroom,” where Emhardt’s “high expectations” and the positive environment she creates for students add to their overall educational experience and prompt enthusiasm for learning.So fond are the students of their teacher that Sanchez said when Emhardt has to miss a day of school the children make it obvious that they miss her presence at the front of the class. “Students don’t always care” about their teacher, but, noted Sanchez, “they care about her.”“The kids of Santa Paula are amazing,” and Emhardt said her teaching experience is a “great time.” Emhardt has taught at several district schools, including Glen City Elementary and Isbell Middle School, and she finds her students to be “great kids!”Schuck encouraged Emhardt to hang her GMSP plaque in the classroom. “Kids notice everything, and when they ask you can tell them the Chamber recognized you for being a special teacher.”Santa Paula Chevrolet/John Macik provides the monthly Chamber award plaques.

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