In the above photo, Sheldon Berger congratulates Ann Katz, executive coordinator and Wendy McCarthy, administrative assistant, for earning the award.

Association of California Water Agencies outreach program

December 17, 2004
Santa Paula News
The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) presented its second annual Outreach Program Award to United Water Conservation District (UWCD) on December 1st. United Water’s general manager Dana Wisehart was on hand to accept the award, which was presented at ACWA’s Annual Fall Conference in Palm Springs. United was the top participant in ACWA’s statewide grassroots lobbying program. Participants correspond, attend meetings and hold telephone conferences with legislative leaders regarding legislation that could impact their ability to protect and conserve state and local water resources.This year ACWA’s outreach program helped to defeat several pieces of legislation at the state level, including legislation that would have made privately owned utilities eligible to compete with public agencies for grant funding. At the federal level letters in strong support contributed to the successful passage of CALFED - federal authorization of the CALFED Bay-Delta Program.“United Water is proud to be recognized statewide as a leader in ACWA’s legislative outreach program. These important grassroots lobbying efforts support our mission, which is to manage and protect our precious water resources,” stated Sheldon Berger, president of United’s board of directors. “We are delighted to accept this award for the second year in row.

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