First Place winner “A Sip of the Past”, l. to r.Adilene Amaro, Flor Duran and Maria Zuniga with teacher Mr. Eddie Arguelles

Winners of the exhibit contest announced

January 02, 2004
Santa Paula High School
In the Keck Gallery of the City of Santa Paula’s California Oil Museum students from the Santa Paula High School Human Services Academy and the Agricultural Academy are presenting the results of their recent research and study of the fads of the 1950s. This exhibit has been sponsored by a grant from the Timmons Foundation. This year the exhibits were judged by Anne Shilton Graumlich, curator of the Ventura County Museum of History and Art. The students all did an outstanding job and selecting the best of the best took the skill and experience of a museum professional.First Place went to “A Sip of the Past” by Adilene Amaro, Flor Duran, Sofia Roman and Maria Zuniga. Second Place went to “Science Fiction and Horror Movies of the 1950s” by Shay Moulder and Shawnty Quiroz. Third Place went to “Everlasting Love” by Sophia Castaneda and Iliana Marquez. Forth Place went to “Civil Rights Leaders” by Kristen Shuel and Rena Sepulveda.Honorable Mention went to “Television Shows” by Leticia Cabrera and Kristen Mauricio.This is the 5th year that students in Mr. Edward Arguelles’ history classes have undertaken an exciting research project culminating in a professional level museum exhibit. The students received guidance in exhibit design from museum curator John Nichols of Sespe Group - Creative Services.
Some of the topics the students covered were; Candies of the 1950s, Popular Music and Records, Mexican Stars, Teenage Hangouts, Sports, Movies and much more. Their exhibit is sure to entertain and educate all visitors about this fascinating decade. This exhibit continues through February 22, 2004.Located at 1001 E. Main Street, the City of Santa Paula’s California Oil Museum is two blocks north of the 126 Freeway on Highway 150. It is open Wednesdays through Sundays from 10 to 4. Admission is $2 for adults and $1 for children. Admission to the Museum is always free for Museum members.

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