Santa Paulan Boyle early supporter of National World War II Memorial

October 03, 2003
Santa Paula News

When the National World War II Memorial is unveiled next year in Washington, D.C. there will be at least one hometown hero listed who will be in attendance: Francis W. Boyle, an Army veteran who fought in the Battle of the Bulge.

By Peggy KellySanta Paula TimesWhen the National World War II Memorial is unveiled next year in Washington, D.C. there will be at least one hometown hero listed who will be in attendance: Francis W. Boyle, an Army veteran who fought in the Battle of the Bulge.The memorial, a lasting tribute to the sacrifice and achievement of the World War II generation, is being built on the National Mall and will be dedicated on May 29, 2004.Former Senator Bob Dole, also a WWII veteran, is the national chairman of the memorial effort that has already attracted over $190 million in cash and pledges.The memorial Web site ( contains links to the WWII Registry, which officially opened online on July 4th. The registry comprises more than 1.3 million names of those who helped win WWII, whether in uniform or on the home front.Boyle served in the 526th Armored Infantry Battalion, Company B. He landed at Utah Beach in June of 1944, and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. He served two years in the Europe campaign after being deployed from Santa Paula, where he had lived on and off since he was 11 years old.“When I turned 18, I got my letter, the ‘Greetings. . .’ “ that informed Americans that their number had been drawn for service in the war effort.Boyle was drafted in February 1943 when 33 “of us got on the bus in Santa Paula - where the Post Office is now - and rode to Fort Ord for our shots.”
After stateside training Boyle’s unit was sent overseas in January 1944.Boyle’s unit landed on Utah Beach “when I was 19 years old; it’s so real I can still see it,” and then his unit “worked our way through France and Belgium” where they fought in the Battle of Bulge. “Our outfit got four Battle Stars. . .we were in combat for 208 days, loss over half of our unit,” before he was discharged in March 1946.Boyle said when he first went overseas “I thought I was a grown up but the war made me grow up and appreciate life ten times as much as I had before. Even though the hardships were a reality I love my country as much as anybody does because I fought for it. This is such a wonderful country.”Post war Boyle became a Baptist minister and a Realtor/Broker “to help pay the bills,” he noted with a laugh. “I think the war made me go into he ministry,” and he has led 10 churches, including in Santa Paula, “my place, where I went into the Army and came home. I pastored churches all over and always came back to Santa Paula. I wouldn’t live anywhere else.”Boyle became a Charter Member of the WWII Memorial effort about 20 years ago and helped in fundraising.The memorial “Will be right there close to Lincoln’s tomb,” and he is planning to attend the full-week of dedication ceremonies with his wife of almost 58 years, Lucille.Boyle would like to see more veterans register for the Memorial either online or by calling 1-800-422-8644.

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