Vacancy Notice - Santa Paula Boards, Committees And Commissions

February 01, 2017
Santa Paula News

The City of Santa Paula is asking all interested individuals to apply for positions on several boards, commissions, and committees.   Applicants must be residents of the City of Santa Paula. Applications are at the City Clerk’s Office located in City Hall at 970 Ventura Street.  Please phone or email the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 933-4208, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., for further information.  Application deadline is Monday, February 27, 2017 unless otherwise noted.

Measure T Oversight Committee: There are currently five vacancies for regular members for two-year term. The Measure T Oversight Committee will meet at least twice annually to review and report to the public and the City Council on the revenue and expenditures generated by Measure T. Members must submit an annual statement of financial disclosure in compliance with the Political Reform Act. Recruitment shall remain open until vacancies are filled. Recruitment shall remain open until vacancies are filled.

Commission on Aging:  There are currently four vacancies for a Commissioner’s position for two-year terms. The Commission on Aging meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. at the Community Center, and makes formal recommendations on matters of concern for Senior Citizens.  Applicants must be over sixty years of age.  Recruitment shall remain open until vacancies are filled.

Design Assistance Committee:  There are currently three (expired) vacancies for Citizen Representatives for a four-year term.  The Design Assistance Committee meets on-call and acts as an advisory body to the Historic Preservation Commission.

Mobile Home Rent Review Commission:  There are currently three vacancies for regular members and two alternate members.  The Commission meets on call to consider mobile home rent increases.  Applicants must be and remain a resident of Santa Paula, and may not be a tenant of a mobile home park, nor owner of rental property.  Commissioners are subject to personal disclosure under the rulings of the Fair Political Practices Commission.  Commission members will receive a stipend of $50 for each meeting attended.  Recruitment shall remain open until vacancies are filled.

Planning Commission: There are currently two unscheduled vacancies for Commissioner position. These will expire October 2017 and July 2019, respectively. The Planning Commission meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m., as a general rule.  Applicants wishing to be considered must be registered voters of the City of Santa Paula, and as such reside within the corporate City limits of Santa Paula.  Individuals will also be required to complete and file a Fair Political Practices Commission Statement of Economic Interest. Commission members will receive a stipend of $25 for each meeting attended.   Recruitment shall remain open until vacancies are filled.

Recreation Commission:  There are currently two vacancies for regular members for a three-year term.  The Recreation Commission is responsible for assisting the City Council in all matters pertaining to public recreation.  The Recreation Commission meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center, 530 W. Main Street, Santa Paula. Recruitment shall remain open until vacancies are filled.

Santa Paula Housing Authority Commission:  There are currently four (expired) vacancies for regular commissioners, each for a four-year term and two (expired) vacancies for tenant commissioners, each for a two-year term.  Commissioners are subject to personal disclosure under the rulings of the Fair Political Practices Commission, and all members will be compensated monthly for their services. Commission members will receive a stipend of $50 for each meeting attended.   The Santa Paula Housing Authority meets the second Thursday of each month at the Santa Paula Housing Authority offices at 15500 W. Telegraph Road, #B11, Santa Paula. Recruitment shall remain open until vacancies are filled.

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