Ready Santa Paula Emergency
Preparedness Fair a hit at Cruise Nite

September 25, 2015
Santa Paula News

Santa Paula Emergency Preparedness Fair was a hit at the September Cruise Nite where the Cruise Knights rocked the crowd and hundreds of pre-1975 cars lined Main Street between 10th and 7th streets.

And those cars included a couple of wrecks donated by Double R Towing of Ventura so Santa Paula Firefighters could demonstrate using the Jaws of Life to extricate accident victims, a show of manpower and equipment that always fascinates onlookers.

Fire Chief Rick Araiza was pleased so many different agencies were taking part in the fair to raise awareness of being prepared for emergencies, fire safety tips and Hands-Only CPR where men, women and children were lined up to take the two minute course on lifesaving.

Santa Paula Police displayed its Dragoon and Senior Officer Larry Johnson and his K9 partner Zak were interacting with the crowd.

SPFD Firefighter Tyler Zeller was teaching Anthony Magana, 7 and 8-year-old Javier Manzaneres, both of Santa Paula, Hands-Only CPR, also known as Sidewalk CPR.

“They’re both skilled lifesavers,” said Zeller when the boys were done with their instruction. 

And considerate ones: “You OK?” Anthony asked the CPR mannequin as he patted it on the head.

Anthony’s parents Jaime and Cynthia Magana, holding their 12-month-old son Daniel, said they take the CPR training every year. 

The training is not only a lifesaver and free but also can be lucky for the student who enters a drawing for a La Cabana Restaurant gift certificate.

“We’re very pleased with the turnout tonight,” said Santa Paula Citizen Corps Chairman Steve Lazenby of the event sponsored each year by the organization and meets regularly to address emergency preparedness issues.

“We appreciate Troop Real Estate for letting us use their parking lot on the corner of 8th and Main…it’s a great location. Troop is a great community booster. And we also always appreciate the help of Dave Anderson and Henry Aguilar,” Cruise Nite coordinators, “and the Santa Paula Police Officers Association and the Chamber of Commerce,” the event’s sponsors, “for allowing us to hold our preparedness fair each year,” and Lazenby added, “It’s really a benefit for the community and works great coupled with the tremendously popular Cruise Nite.” 

And an event that just might lead to a career for kids fascinated by the SPPD K9 Zak as well as those scrambling to get a look inside a SPFD engine.

There was no doubt what 3-year-old Mateo Villanueva wants to be when he grows up just by seeing his beatific smile as Zeller helped him off the shiny red fire engine.

Cruise Nite, Ventura County’s most famous car show, is held on East Main Street between 7th and 10th streets; so popular is the monthly display that more pre-1975 cars also spill onto various adjacent side streets.

Cruise Nite offers a free night out on the town with great music, unique shopping and plenty of fine dining with many restaurants offering Cruise Nite specials.

Cruise Nite offers an array of pre-1975 vehicles that stretch for blocks where admirers can enjoy the show - and plenty of socializing - from about 5 p.m. to dusk.

The last Cruise Nite of the season will be held Friday, October 2.

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