A white Mercedes-Benz was involved in a Friday the 13th minor accident at Anacapa Mobile Home Park when the station wagon hit a pole holding utility connections, including a water main. No one was injured in the mishap.

Friday the 13th: Minor accident at
Anacapa Mobile Home Park cuts utilities

June 18, 2014
Santa Paula News

A Friday the 13th accident at an area mobile home park left the complex temporarily without water and electricity, but no one was injured in the single vehicle mishap.

Santa Paula Police Sgt. Cody Madison said the incident occurred June 13 at about 10:38 a.m. when the SPPD received a report of an accident at the Anacapa Mobile Home Park, 720 W. Santa Maria St.

Madison said upon arrival at the scene SPPD Officers and Santa Paula Fire EMTs found a white Mercedes-Benz station wagon that had been involved in a single-vehicle accident, striking a pole that held various utilities.

The driver of the vehicle, 71-year-old park resident Ralph Torres, told police, “Something flew in his eye and distracted him,” and he ran into a water main and an electrical power box located “right next to each other.

“The pole was filled with concrete,” said Madison, “and it stopped his vehicle high-centered on the pole... “ 

Following the collision, “They had to cut the power to the entire complex... “

No one was injured and - other than the pole and utility mains - there was minor damage to mobile home park property, although the specific accident area was drenched by water from the broken water main.

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