If you would like further assessment information, you can review a wide range of subjects and download many useful forms from the Assessor’s website: http://assessor.countyofventura.org, and file it by mail, fax, or hand delivery to our office in the Government Center.
Tax Assessor warning
The Assessor is very concerned about Taxpayers being tricked into sending their financial information to “Property Tax Assessor Records Corp.”
Ventura County Assessor Dan Goodwin issued an urgent warning to all property owners to be on the look out for a recent mailing from “Property Tax Assessor Records Corp.” This mailing asks the property owner to fill out (Including social security number) and sign the exemption processing card to perform a service that your County Assessor will do free of charge.
This mailing is not from the Ventura County Assessor or from any authorized Government agency. Assessor Goodwin warned property owners to be very cautious of any solicitations that requests social security numbers and checks or credit card numbers. Please call the Ventura County Assessor at (805) 654-2181 before you respond to any solicitation related to property taxes.