Depressed, in a rut? Call Santa Paula’s new Pothole Hotline
February 22, 2012
By Peggy Kelly
Santa Paula News
If you’ve got a pothole, the city has a solution: call 933-8770, the new Pothole Hotline where you can leave information so the pothole can be patched.
Santa Paulans have long been depressed about the dents in the roads that can wreak havoc on vehicles and jar the nerves - as well as body parts - of those riding in them, but now the new Pothole Hotline is open for business. Interim Public Works Director Brian Yanez said the new voicemail hotline will take information on the location of the dent in the path.
“Give us a description, the address, cross street, the pertinent information we’re going to need” to get that rut filled. When asked how many potholes he estimates pit Santa Paula streets, Yanez laughed: “A lot... they’re all over.”
But the city does respond to filling them. “We finished the last six today so there are no more on our list. That’s why we know there’s more out there” that city employees try to keep a sharp eye out for, to both avoid the pothole and report it once back to City Hall.
“City staff comes in from lunch and reports seeing potholes,” but Yanez said the public also must call the new hotline and report the ruts themselves. “We don’t have the street crew we had before and we had the community, but at the same time they were giving us the information about the potholes out there.... If we don’t know about it,” about a pothole’s location, Yanez said, “we can’t do anything about it.”
When you call the Pothole Hotline a recorded voice will ask you to leave your name, phone number, street where the pothole is located, and the closest cross street. You can also report other public works issues using the hotline, or residents can email