Blanchard Community Library “Connections”

August 19, 2009
Santa Paula News

Blanchard Community Library’s special program just for women – “Connections! Weaving Lives by Sharing Stories” – will have their next meeting from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 20.

Blanchard Community Library’s special program just for women – “Connections! Weaving Lives by Sharing Stories” – will have their next meeting from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, August 20. The theme of this month’s meeting is “Poetry.”Ventura County poet Doris Vernon will join the group as we discuss how poetry has been a part of our lives, from childhood until now. We will also talk about what it is that inspires people to write poetry, and how they move from the original ideas to a completed poem.
“Connections!” is a gathering of women who have stories to tell, offering a time to listen and a time to relate the stories of our lives. We meet at 10:30 a.m. on the third Thursday of each month. All women of our community are invited to come be a part of the fun and thoughtfulness of the process. Carol Hardison is the facilitator for this series.Blanchard Community Library is located at 119 N. 8th St., Santa Paula. For further information on this and other library programs and events, please call 525-3615.

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