Report of fire found to be burning plastic in oven

November 25, 2000
Santa Paula News
By Peggy Kelly Santa Paula TimesAfter a rash of house fires, the Santa Paula Fire Department rushed to a report of a possible blaze at a Terracina home on Monday but it turned out to be a minor call.According to SPFD Chief Paul Skeels, the fire department was dispatched at about 4:49 p.m. on Nov. 20th after a 911 emergency call was received that a fire alarm had been activated inside a single family residence.Upon arrival at 975 Terracina, firefighters didn’t find a fire, but noticed a strong odor.“The occupant had turned on the stove to cook a meal and after a while there was some smoke generated. . .she couldn’t find the source of the light smoke,” said Chief Skeels.
Firefighters examined the stove and found the source of the smoke, a “puddle of plastic on the bottom of her oven. Something that might have been on the rack could have melted or fallen down inside the stove accidentally,” Chief Skeels added. “Whether a small plastic dish or plastic film of some sort - we were unable to tell exactly - was the source of the odor and the smoke.”Firefighters set up a blower to rid the home of the residue of smoke and odor and “the job was done,” said Chief Skeels. Melting or burning plastic “smells, although I’m not sure how dangerous or nasty it was; it was a small quantity but it definitely had an unpleasant odor. Otherwise, it was a relatively quiet day for Santa Paula,” which has had a rash of house fires in recent weeks.The fires - two on Nov. 11 that hit a condominium complex on Orchard Street and a storage-guest area of a San Juan Street home as well as the kitchen ceiling in a Mill Street house that occurred Nov. 15 - were all accidental in nature, with two - Orchard and Mill streets - blamed on electrical problems and the third - San Juan - an overheated vent coming into contact with combustibles.

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